Direktlänk till inlägg 11 september 2016


Av Mikael - 11 september 2016 18:26

Two-spirit people were respected by native societies not only due to religious attitudes, but also because of practical concerns. Because their gender roles involved a mixture of both masculine and feminine traits, two-spirit persons could do both the work of men and of women. They were often considered to be hard workers and artistically gifted, of great value to their extended families and community. Among some groups, such as the Navajo, a family was believed to be economically benefited by having a "nadleh" (literally translated as "one who is transformed") androgynous person as a relative. Two-spirit persons assisted their siblings' children and took care of elderly relatives, and often served as adoptive parents for homeless children.


Rather than the physical body, Native Americans emphasised a person's "spirit", or character, as being most important. Instead of seeing two-spirit persons as transsexuals who try to make themselves into "the opposite sex", it is more accurate to understand them as individuals who take on a gender status that is different from both men and women. This alternative gender status offers a range of possibilities, from slightly effeminate males or masculine females, to androgynous or transgender persons, to those who completely cross-dress and act as the other gender. The emphasis of Native Americans is not to force every person into one box, but to allow for the reality of diversity in gender and sexual identities.


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Av Mikael - 14 december 2016 05:53

  Värsta rysaren... Men dom trivs väl... ???


Av Mikael - 14 december 2016 05:39

  Man lär så länge man lever. Att totalt förstöra för sig själv, av det man struntar i, som socialt anseende för okända/?bekanta? riskerar ju att inte funka pga att *Dom funkar som dom gör. Spelar ingen roll vilken uppmärksamhet dom får. Nåja......

Av Mikael - 14 december 2016 04:49

En med: http://www.decision-making-confidence.com/somatic-narcissist.html   En med: http://www.dualdiagnosis.org/generalized-anxiety-disorder/ + covert Narcissist ?tendencies?   En med: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/both-sides-the-couc...

Av Mikael - 13 december 2016 22:19


Av Mikael - 13 december 2016 13:00

Fått ihop allt i huvudet tror jag faktiskt. cPtsd relaterat och Crazy högen. Vilket gör att det inte känns så brottom. Sover ikapp som Fanken... Vilket känns som det behövs. Måste säga själv, att jag känt mig själv, lite extra *tokig* (not crazy)... ...


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